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Online shopping is an excellent offer to your customers or market, but some fraud or unlikely events are still happening all around, and one thing business owners’ must anticipate are those (unwanted) crazy Christmas transactions.

Even at this time of the pandemic, let this year be as enjoyable as the holidays can be. Make it simple and easy for your consumers. This new normal’s holiday, you need to give your fraud prevention efforts some attention to protect and maintain a healthy organization.

Here are five things to reshape your controls and other fraud checks to avoid financial losses on your business.

1. Reexamine Your Fraud Risk Assessment

Remember that the Fraud Risk Assessment is an ongoing and continuous process. Fraud can happen anytime and anywhere. It must be tailored to your organization and should not be copied from other companies. This process aimed to identify and address an institution’s inability to resist internal and external fraud.

2. Educating Yourself and Others

Educating yourself and your employees is essential. As a business owner, you must inform your employees. Make them aware of the information that runs around your business. Above all, brief them that all information must be protected, be it internal, public, highly restricted, and/or confidential. Also, educate them about the steps to spot or detect fraudulent activities.

3. Addressing the Past Incidents

If your business experienced fraud from the previous year, it is recommendable to document incidents and events in detail. This will help to lessen the chance of encountering the same incident and discover ways to detect and prevent fraud.

4. Proactive Measures

Be proactive and combat fraud. “Prevention is better than cure” for businesses; it means having anti-fraud controls or planning plays an integral part in managing the risk of fraud.

5. Good Hiring Decision

Screening carefully and making intelligent hires is a plus to the success of your organization. A good engagement is like bringing the best talent on board. Allow enough time to interview potential employees meticulously. This is vital because a bad hire can be a very costly mistake.

This also applies to choosing the best merchant provider for your business. Choose the one that you can rely on. Ensuring that all transactions are secured and encrypted for safety and security. Some industries fall into the high-risk category, where finding merchant accounts can be challenging. Nock Pay has an extensive network of solutions that can give various merchant account options. Nock Pay also offers POS systems and terminals for your retail business. EMV capable, PCI Compliant, and designed for today’s demand.

These holidays make sure of your online fraud protection. Having it refreshed and updated will help you keep your personal information and money secure. Contact us today!

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